Course Title:

Leaders Performance Optimizations - Good To Great To Awesome

Course ID:

111124 0101 4410ESH

Course Dates :




Course Duration :


Course Location:


United Kingdom

Course Fees GBP £ :

Primary Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Fees USD $:

Advisory Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Category:

Professional and CPD Training Programs

Leadership, Management, Marketing, Strategy, Human Resources, Soft Skills

Course Certified By:

* Professional Training and CPD Programs
Leading to : Executive Diploma Certificate
Leading to : Executive Mini Masters Certificate
Leading to : Executive Masters Certificate

* LondonUni - Executive Management Training
* Others

United Kingdom

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Information


Charismatic leaders are born with what it takes to be at the peak, unfortunately, they are very rare.
On the other hand, the worlds of business have considerable Hard-working business leaders that learn to be leaders by studying, acquiring, and applying proven leadership techniques.
Of course, there are a great many leadership styles. Some overlap in concept and application.
Some seem contradictory. And as we have already pointed out on one technique is the best for every situation.
This course offers an extensive training on performance focused leadership and measurement metrics including key performance indicators to maximize organizational effectiveness.
It explains what makes a leader, the practices and commitments of effective leadership, how to shape organizational excellence, which global competencies are critical to success today and how to gain personal mastery of your own leadership including interpersonal skills, communication, business ethics and multi culture to improve performance and profitability


At the end of this course, participants will have a clear understanding of how to:
• Master how to make people follow you.
• Follow up Sequence of How to Extend your leadership skills.
• Learn out from the assembly of 30 years of experience in leadership Implementing the laws of leadership on practical examples out of life, business, politics, sports, and conflicts.
• Master the Art of changing your life and the life of others.
• Recognize the characteristics of high-performing leaders and workgroups
• Encourage an environment that drives high performance
• Effectively drive and manage change
• Apply the principles of respectful communication
• Collaborate to solve complex problems
• Create a plan to eradicate the barriers to high performance in your business unit
• Partner with other workgroups to effect positive change in the company
• Surround yourself with people who have skills that complement your own
• Identify, replicate, and nurture high-performance behaviors and workgroups throughout the organization
• Develop a structured approach to preparing for and thinking more complexly about negotiations and everyday influence situations
• Develop a framework for avoiding individual decision traps and improving team decisions
• Lead more effectively and drive strategic direction by leveraging your strengths

Who Should Attend?

• Top Management
• Middle Management
• Newly appointed or experienced leaders who are expected to demonstrate core competencies, while being problem solvers, decision makers and results producers in a daily environment that features change, issues and ill – structured challenges. These leaders feel the need to equip themselves with techniques that can help achieve greater daily success. With limited resources and numerous exogenous variables affecting your ability to function at peak performance levels, you will benefit from the best leadership practices and performance leadership techniques that promote innovation, interdependence and proactive thinking.

Training Method

• Pre-assessment
• Live group instruction
• Use of real-world examples, case studies and exercises
• Interactive participation and discussion
• Power point presentation, LCD and flip chart
• Group activities and tests
• Each participant receives a 7” Tablet containing a copy of the presentation, slides and handouts
• Post-assessment

Program Support

This program is supported by:
* Interactive discussions
* Role-play
* Case studies and highlight the techniques available to the participants.

Daily Agenda

The course agenda will be as follows:
• Technical Session 08.30-10.00 am
• Coffee Break 10.00-10.15 am
• Technical Session 10.15-12.15 noon
• Coffee Break 12.15-12.45 pm
• Technical Session 12.45-02.30 pm
• Course Ends 02.30 pm

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Outlines

Week 1

Day One
Leadership and effectiveness,
• Success Without Leadership
• To Change the Direction of The Organization, Change the Leader
Persistence, perseverance, and leadership development
• Leaders Are Learners
• The Four Phases of Leadership Growth
o Phase I-I Don T Know What I Don T Know
o Phase 2-1 Know What I Don T Know
o Phase 3-1 Grow and Know and It Starts to Show
o Phase 4-1 Simply Go Because Of What I Know
• Fighting Your Way Up
• No Overnight Success
Navigation: an essential leadership skill
• Navigators See the Trip Ahead
• Where The Leader Goes. . .
• Navigators Draw on Past Experience
• Navigators Listen to What Others Have to Say
• Navigators Examine the Conditions Before Making Commitments
• Navigators Make Sure Their Conclusions Represent Both Faith and Fact
• A Lesson in Navigation
• Charting The Course with A Navigation Strategy
INFLUENCE: leadership true measure
• The Emergence of a Leader
• The Question of Leadership
• Leadership Is Not. . .
• Five Myths About Leadership
o The Management Myth
o The Entrepreneur Myth
o The Knowledge Myth
o The Pioneer Myth
o The Position Myth
• Who's The Real Leader?
• Leadership Is . . .
• Leadership Without Leverage

Day Two
Respect and follow ship.
• A Leader by Any Other Name
• A Leader of Steel
• Increasing Respect
• A Test of Leadership
• It’s Not a Guessing Game
• A Respected Leader Steps Down
• How Many Will Follow?
Leaders and the aim to victory
• These Leaders Pursued Victory
• Great Leaders Find a Way to Win
• Three Components of Victory
o Unity of Vision
o Diversity of Skills
o A Leader Dedicated to Victory and Raising Players to Their Potential
• The Law of Victory Is the Business
Leadership Magnetism: Who Leaders are is who they attract
• People Like You Will Seek You Out
• Where Do They Match Up?
o Attitude
o Generation
o Background
o Values
o Life Experience
o Leadership Ability
• History Changes Course
Convection in leaders
• Don T Put the Cart First
• You Are the Message
• It's Not an Either / Or Proposition
o When Followers Don't Like the Leader or The Vision, They Look for Another Leader
o When Followers Don T Like the Leader but They Do Like the Vision, They Still Look for Another Leader
o When Followers Like the Leader but Not the Vision, They Change the Vision
o When Followers Like the Leader and The Vision, They Will Get Behind Both
• Buying Time for People to Buy In

Day Three
Trust: The Solid Ground, of Leadership
• It Wasn't the Decision sit Was the Leadership
• The Result Was Mistrust
• Trust Is the Foundation of Leadership
• Character Communicates
• Character Communicates Lots of Things to Followers
• An Inherited Policy Becomes, A Leadership-Shattering Problem
• First Trust, Then Support
How Leaders speak, and why People listen
• What Could I Do?
• The Eyes Have It
• Will The Real Leader Please Stand Up?
• People Become Real Leaders Because Of. . ..
Leadership and Intuition
• The Best Leaders Read and Respond
• It S Informed Intuition
• Leadership Is Their Bias
• Seeing Through a Leadership Lens
• Another Leadership Challenge
• How Leaders Think
• Leaders Are Readers Of ……
• What You See Results from Who You Are
• Three Levels of Leadership Intuition
o Those Who Naturally See It
o Those Who are Nurtured to See It
o Those Who Will Never See It
• Leaders Solve Problems Using the Law of Intuition
TIMING: When to Lead Is Important as When to Do & Where to Go
• The Timing Was Right for An Outsider
• Non-leaders Can T Always See It
• Timing Is Everything
• The Results of Timing
• The Crucible of War Displays the Law of Timing
• Timing Missed, Opportunity Gone
Leaders Priorities,
• The Three Rs
• Reordering Priorities
• Priorities Is the Name of The
• Everything Had a Purpose Based on Priorities Game
• Refocusing On a Worldwide Scale

Day Four
How leaders touch the heart
• The Audience S Best Friend
• The Heart Comes First
• Public And Private Connection
• Connect With People One at A Time
• It Is the Leader S Job
• The Tougher the Challenge, The Greater the Connection
• The Result of Connection
Momentum is the leader best resources.
• Fighting A Tidal Wave of Negative Momentum
• It Takes a Leader to Get Things Started
• Small Beginnings
• Two Keys: Preparation and Motivation
• It Starts with A Little Progress
• Momentum Breaker?
• No-Momentum Maker
• The Momentum Explosion
• Only A Leader Can Create Momentum
• Truths About Momentum
• Momentum Makes Leaders Look Better Than They Are
• Momentum Helps Followers Perform Better Than They Are
• Momentum Is Easier to Steer Than to Start
• Momentum Is the Most Powerful Change Agent
• The Greatest Momentum Challenge
The effect of leader’s entourage
• Three Phases to New Growth
• Taking The Organization to A New Level
• Every Organization Has an Inner Circle
• The Best Don T Always Do the Best
• The Value of Raising Up The
• Right People in Your Inner Circle
• Never Stop Improving Your Inner Circle
Empowerment: the sign of leader’s security
• Who is the Boss? (Ford Company)
• Barriers To Empowerment
• Desire For Job Security
• Resistance To Change
• Lack Of Self-Worth
• Leading By Lifting Up Others
• Finding Strong Leaders to Empower
• The Power of Empowerment

Day Five
Leaders and successions
• How They Became Leaders
• Many Follows in Their Footsteps
• Raising Up Giant Killers
• We Teach What We Know Reproduce What We Are
• Take The Next Step
• See The Big Picture
• Attract Potential Leaders
• Create A Leader Environment
• The Impact Carries Over
SACRIFICE: The price of leadership
• A Devastating Downturn
• Leader To the Rescue
• When All Else Fails, Make Another Sacrifice
• The Heart of Leadership
• Counting The Cost of Leadership
• You Have Got to Give Up Going Up
• The Cost of Leadership
• The Higher You Go, The More You Give Up
• The Law of Sacrifice
Leadership Growth
• The Key to Growth Is Leadership
• Leader S Math Brings Explosive Growth
• A Leader Developed from Afar
• The Law of Explosive Growth
leadership Legacy,
• The Law of Legacy
• Leaders Who Leave a Legacy of Succession. . .
• Lead The Organization with A Long View
• Create A Leadership Culture
• A Legacy of Succession
• Why Few Leaders Pass It On?
• Paradigm Shift
• The Success Continues

Day Six and Seven (WEEKEND)

Week 2

Day Eight
• Organizations and Performance
• Effectiveness of the New Organization Structure
• Performance Focused Leadership
• The Nature of Managerial Work
• Effective Leadership
• Leadership Dimensions
• Change Management
• Productive Performance
• Delegation and Empowerment

Day Nine
• Strategic Management Process
• Environmental Scanning
• Strategic Thinking and Planning
• Tools and Techniques for New Strategy Formulation
• Leadership and Followers
• Effective Communication
• Leadership in Teams
• Leadership in Decision Groups
• Leadership Styles
• Charismatic Leadership

Day Ten
• Business Process
• Performance Metrics
• Key Performance Indicators
• Quantitative Indicators
• Practical Indicators
• Directional Indicators
• Actionable Indicators
• Financial Indicators

Day Eleven
• Kaizen Performance Leadership Techniques
• Leadership and Strategy
• Total Quality Management
• Supply Chain Management
• New Strategy Formulation
• Strategy Implementation
• Strategy Evaluation and Control
• Proactive Leadership

Day Twelve
• Knowledge Management and KPIs
• Emotional Intelligence
• Critical Thinking
• Multi Culture
• Diversity
• Globalization
• The Habits of Highly Effective Leaders

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

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